For children of the 1970s in Britain there were three certainties:
- Getting into a Rolls-Royce in Stoke Mandeville was ill-advised.
- Look-In magazine will feature an alarming hand-painted front cover of the biggest in vogue celebrity, musician or TV star (assuming that star is on an ITV programme only)
- The Grimleys is on.
Moving back to number two and its always a source of joy to compile quizzes about old magazines as they really are the closest thing to a direct time tunnel with access to everything you could possibly need from that period in history. Or more likely with Look-In, a selection of baffled "WHO THE BLOODY HELL IS THAT?" (I was born in 1980, we didn't allow Skiboys.) pointing.
And I still haven't gotten over whatever this is...
So to help in my identification process, here are four front covers as its time to ask...
"Who the f**k Look-In?"
Click here for the answers:
And as ever, if you like this quiz, please please share it! Thank you.
All rise, Sir Gingerbeard Gwapenuts...
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